Large Balances

Account Recovery Services is a debt collection agency serving RI and MA. We specialize in large balance collections which require more research and are costly to manage. Very often, large balance debt collection requires an “attorney-to-attorney” approach.

Our large balance debt collection specialists, working in conjunction with our legal department will work you on your large balance receivables from initial asset investigation to probate if need be. The ARS Advantage of having a full service in-house legal department allows us to dedicate all necessary resources to effectively pursue and resolve large balance accounts.

State-of-the-Art Techniques

Account Recovery Service’s legal department will conduct exhaustive research, using state-of-the-art techniques and time-proven legal means to identify the large balance debtor’s assets profile, and in a fraction of the time of a traditional debt collection agency.

Our attorneys can work directly with the debtor or their attorney if they prefer to quickly and efficiently arrive at a mutually agreeable debt solution: The result: faster cash flow while maintaining patient goodwill.

For additional information on all of our debt collection agency services, contact our office. We proudly serve our clients in the state of Rhode Island ( RI ) and neighboring Massachusetts ( MA ).


Pay By Mail

PO Box 9427
Providence, RI 02940